Aranza trabaja con vainas de vainilla en el taller de Panacea Ancient Foods.
La chef creativa Aranza Garcia nos muestra como transforma la vainillina para PANACEA ANCIENT FOODS en los alrededores de Monterrey, México.
Creative chef Aranza Garcia shows us how she transforms vanillin from her PANACEA ANCIENT FOODS on the outskirts of Monterrey, Mexico.
Vista desde el taller hacia la Sierra Madre Oriental.
Curiosa de aprender de otras culturas a través de su comida y tradiciones, la fundadora de Panacea Ancient Foods nos recordó a los pies de la Sierra Madre Oriental que desde la época de los Aztecas, la vainilla era apreciada y utilizada en rituales.
En un pasaje de La Verdadera Historia de la Conquista de Nueva España, el cronista Bernal Diaz del Castillo narra sobre las propiedades afrodisíacas de “cierta bebida hecha del mismo cacao,” y que Moctezuma, “el soberano azteca usaba para tener acceso a las mujeres” y detalla como se llevaban a cabo los banquetes con su circulo personal donde bebían mas de 50 jarros grandes hechos de una bebida a base de cacao y vainilla en el climax de las ceremonias rituales.
Curious to learn about other cultures through their food and traditions, the founder of Panacea Ancient Foods reminded us at the foot of the Sierra Madre Oriental that since the time of the Aztecs, vanilla was appreciated and used in rituals.
In a passage from The True History of the Conquest of New Spain, the chronicler Bernal Diaz del Castillo narrates about the aphrodisiac properties of "a certain drink made from the same cacao," and that Moctezuma, "the Aztec sovereign used to gain access to women” and details how the banquets were carried out with his personal circle where they drank more than 50 large jugs made of a cocoa and vanilla-based drink at the climax of the ritual ceremonies.
Curious to learn about other cultures through their food and traditions, the founder of Panacea Ancient Foods reminded us at the foot of the Sierra Madre Oriental that since the time of the Aztecs, vanilla was appreciated and used in rituals.
In a passage from The True History of the Conquest of New Spain, the chronicler Bernal Diaz del Castillo narrates about the aphrodisiac properties of "a certain drink made from the same cacao," and that Moctezuma, "the Aztec sovereign used to gain access to women” and details how the banquets were carried out with his personal circle where they drank more than 50 large jugs made of a cocoa and vanilla-based drink at the climax of the ritual ceremonies.
Vainas de vainilla del Rancho La Casa De Las Piedras.
Mientras prepara los ingredientes para hornear un vol au vent de pera a la vainilla con salsa cremosa de cajeta nos cuenta, “su sabor es incomparable, es una de las plantas más preciadas en el mundo por su exquisito sabor y aroma, de igual forma, es de las plantas más complicadas y difíciles de producir por sus cuidados extenuantes”.
While preparing the ingredients to bake a vanilla pear vol au vent with creamy cajeta sauce, she tells us, “its flavor is incomparable, it is one of the most precious plants in the world for its exquisite flavor and aroma, in the same way, It is one of the most complicated and difficult plants to produce due to its strenuous care”.
Proceso de preparación de vol au vent de pera a la vainilla con salsa cremosa de cajeta.
“En las recetas que uso vainas de vainilla, me gusta que sean el centro de atención, cuidando que el sabor no choque con otros ingredientes de alta intensidad. En muchas ocasiones las utilizo para bases de crema ya que resaltan su fineza, y también me gusta utilizarlas en salsas para proteínas ligeras como pollo o pescados blancos.”
____“In the recipes that I use vanilla beans, I like them to be the center of attention, taking care that the flavor does not clash with other high-intensity ingredients. On many occasions I use them for cream bases as they highlight their fineness, and I also like to use them in sauces for light proteins such as chicken or white fish.”
Taller de Panacea Ancient Foods.
Aranza cree que “la vainilla aporta una exquisita dimensión nueva al platillo, ya sea dulce o salado. Tiene un sabor nostálgico, pues solamente su olor crea una sensación de calidez.” También esta consciente de que muchas personas no saben que la vainilla es endémica de México, tampoco que la vaina proviene de una orquídea trepadora que da una de sus flores favoritas, la llamada itlilxochitl por los Aztecas que significa Flor Negra.
___Aranza believes that “vanilla adds an exquisite new dimension to the dish, whether sweet or savoury. It has a nostalgic flavor, because only its smell creates a sensation of warmth.” She is also aware that many people do not know that vanilla is endemic to Mexico, nor that the pod comes from a climbing orchid that produces one of her favorite flowers, called itlilxochitl by the Aztecs, which means Black Flower.
Vol au vent de pera a la vainilla.
La chef, que experimenta con la fermentación de alimentos y esta especializada también en comida asiática, genera experiencias personalizadas a través de su comida ya que también puede conceptualizar y producir caterings y picnics únicos.
The chef, who experiments with food fermentation and is also specialized in Asian food, generates personalized experiences through her food as she can also conceptualize and produce unique catering and picnics.
The chef, who experiments with food fermentation and is also specialized in Asian food, generates personalized experiences through her food as she can also conceptualize and produce unique catering and picnics.